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Magna Kayak

An unintentional epic. Bought some inflatable kayaks recently, and planned to use them this Saturday just gone for a leisurely trip along the Thames. Leaving a bit after 1pm, Bourne End to to Runnymede. Expected maybe a 3 hour jaunt. All good until we got to the bit where they closed the river to fix a bridge over the M4. Headed inland to work around the issue then couldn’t find where to get back on so we find ourselves walking cross country with these kayaks on our shoulders. Ended up joining the Jubilee River instead with a view to then join back up with the Thames further downstream. Then with a whole series of weirs and locks taking us off the river again, we ended up walking through Eton to rejoin the river via one of the college boat houses. Now time was getting on a bit but didn’t get back to the car (which we’d preparked up at the destination) until dark o’clock – and the car park was locked up. Uberred back to the other car at the start (where the house keys were in) and got home about 11pm something. Sheesh.

[The 5 hours that Strava states below is 5 hours paddling. this doesn’t count the c.4hours overland].

Check out some of these river views and mansions though:

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The Commute

Got me a kayak, inflatable, because it’s cheap and because I can roll it up and stick it in the boot to take to the coast as well.

Kayaked from home in Wargrave to work at Thames Valley Park by kayak this morning, in a kayak. 4.4 miles, 1 hour 37 minutes 28 seconds. Passed the swans, the geese, the ducks, the sheep, the cows and the people waking from their sleep on their houseboats.

Have had worse starts to the day, how was your commute?